BilP on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Looking for Irish family of Charles F. Nunan who immigrated from County Cork to Massachusetts then to Cape Porpoise, Maine in the 1850's.

I am researching the Nunan family history. The line I am related to are in or near Cape Porpoise, Maine. However, I am primarily interested in the Irish family history.

The Nunan's of Cape Porpoise, many of whom still live in or near Cape Porpoise come from a long line of fisherman. Several Nunan's in the late 1800's early 1900's established the "Nunan Fleet" comprising a total of 12 schooners that fished the Grand Banks.

Will share other stories as time permits.

1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 7 months ago

Connecting Moses Pearson to my line


Researching PEARSON/PARSONS family history. I have been able to trace my line back to Jeffrey PARSONS (1630-1689) who married Sarah VINSON/VINTON (1631-1708). My late uncle had completed a great deal of information that is no longer available but was told that Moses PEARSON, the first sheriff of Cumberland County, Maine from 1760-1768 is somehow connected to my line. Thus far I have not made the connection.

I have a fair amount of my line information and also that of Moses PEARSON that I am happy to share with others. I use Family Tree Maker but can export in PDF or GEDCom.

All responses will be answered.

3 comment(s), latest 13 years, 7 months ago